Career 2.0
" Never Too Late to Put Your Passion to Work "

Why Work Now
The World Report on Aging and Health produced by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2015 provided new guidelines on how we define different age brackets. As mentioned before, Silver is the new Black, as reflected by the level of health, energy and determination.
The greatest social evil of all is forced retirement – a “massive health calamity and future financial disaster”.
The movie, “The Intern” vividly depicted the market potential of retired-not-out silver population. Once the psychological barrier in concerning about employing “senior” workers back to the workforce is shattered, prospective employer would be able to appreciate their competencies in interpersonal relationship, loyalty, patience, commitment and experience level.
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​​​Improved Health
WHO has outlined four key actions that governments and societies can take now to strengthen healthy and active aging:
1. Promote good health and healthy behaviors at all ages to prevent or delay the development of chronic diseases.
2. Minimize the consequences of chronic disease through early detection and quality care (primary, long-term and palliative care).
3. Create physical and social environments that foster the health and participation of older people.
4. "Reinvent aging" - changing social attitudes to build a society in which older people are respected and valued.
Breaking Stereotypes
Poor health is not the only concern people have as they grow older. Stigmatizing attitudes and common stereotypes often prevent older people from participating fully in society. Older people make important contributions as family members, volunteers and as active participants in the workforce and are a significant social and economic resource. WHO stated that when a 100-year-old man finishes a marathon, one has to rethink conventional definitions of what it means to be 'old'. Traditional stereotypes developed in the past centuries no longer hold.
A study from the National Medical Development Institution (INSERM) made in 2015 showed that continuous working and delayed retirement while remain as a contributor to the society would lower the risk of dementia suffering by 3.2% for every year of delayed retirement. The number of dementia patients is forecast to triple to some 300,000 over the next 30 years. In comparison to those who retired at 60, the 65-year-old retirees have a 15% lower dementia rate.
The number of Hongkongers over the age of 80 will peak after 2050, with a least a third of them expected to suffer dementia. At the moment, the number is estimated to be more than 100,000 dementia patients. China has the world’s largest population of people with dementia – 9.6 million in 2010, up from 5.1 million in 2000. The number is projected to reach 14.1 million by 2020 and 23.3 million by 2030.
By 2050, the number of Alzheimer’s patients in China is expected to reach 45 million, about half the number worldwide. About 3 per cent of people aged 65 to 74 will develop the disease. However, the more you use your brain in complex ways, the more you may inoculate yourself against Alzheimer’s.